Future Schools—The Power of Connection

Innovations in Education
Innovations in Education
Future Schools—The Power of Connection

Watch now to hear eSchool News and the experts from Verizon explore the current state and future possibilities for technology-driven education.  

Takeaways will include:

  • Cybersecurity Assurance:Compare comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, which safeguard school districts against digital threats and protect sensitive data.
  • DEI Empowerment:Ensure equitable Internet access for all students, regardless of background or location.
  • Future Technologies: Leverage advanced bandwidth solutions to unlock the full educational benefits of AR, VR, and AI, enabling enhanced student engagement, deeper understanding, improved academic outcomes and fewer administrative tasks for educators.

This episode is sponsored by Verizon, a global technology leader with more than two decades of experience focused on the technology needs of K-12 schools. Verizon serves as a trusted partner for thousands of schools across the U.S. Our ongoing collaboration with schools of all sizes gives us a unique perspective on the benefits of the evolving role of technology for student outcomes.  Verizon creates effective solutions that meet the significant challenges faced by K-12 schools—from hybrid learning to cybersecurity to student safety and more.  To find out more about Verizon’s K-12 education solutions, go to our website.

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