Hot Topic—AI and Media Literacy

As the lines further blur between media and journalism, between real and fake, and sources become more obscure, there may be no greater imperative for educators than helping students navigate the evolving landscape of information. At FETC, Liz Collins, a senior product manager for K-12 at Gale, part of Cengage Group, is sharing best practices and stories from their customer school districts. Click through for some of her insights.

As a global provider of research and digital learning resources, Gale is uniquely positioned to support schools in developing students’ information and media literacy skills to be equipped for the future. As a digital publisher committed to protecting writers’ intellectual property and students’ data, they also have a vested interest in safeguarding AI use.  

During the conference, you can take a sneak peek at their upcoming AI-enhanced updates to Gale In Context and Gale In Context: For Educators, driven by input from educator advisory boards and users.

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Kevin Hogan
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