With the growing use of mobile technology in the modern classroom and an increasing number of schools are introducing BYOD schemes, platform flexibility is key for today’s classroom…
Ours is an increasingly global word fueled by rapidly expanding transnational markets and economic interdependence. As a result, young Americans face a more complex job marketplace than past…
Are you curious about how blended learning fits into the language programs your students need to compete in the 21st century economy? This video gives educators a true…
Sponsored by Lenovo ® and Microsoft ® Do you need to address user needs and ensure sustainability? With an array of issues to consider when investing in technology…
Sponsored by Lenovo® and Microsoft® Are you trying to prepare your school for success under the new Common Core mandates? As Common Core State Standards and other state-level…
This paper explains the various types of blended learning models being used in real classrooms throughout the country—and it provides tips for developing the right blended learning program…
Mobile technology now has a significant presence in K-12. From class sets, to BYOD to 1:1 models, this report reveals the major trends for mobile technology in K-12,…
In this white paper, you’ll learn four reasons why performance-based tasks make excellent formative assessments; four “big ideas” about assessment; three steps to overcoming the challenges of student…
Susan Wells, a school principal and president of ISTE's Mobile Learning Network, explains why Tech Tubs from Copernicus are the ideal solution for storing, securing, and charging mobile…
Differentiated instruction represents a challenging path for most districts, forcing them to make fundamental changes to how they reach, teach, and enable students. Here are five steps toward…
It takes a lot more than anti-virus to cover every threat to your business. Sophos gives you what you need—complete security and data protection—all in a way that…
For schools and districts wanting to get the most out of tablets, the addition of peripheral keyboards can make a big difference. They give tablets as much typing…
Sponsored by Lenovo® and Microsoft® Schools investing in Windows 8 devices can now integrate an ever-increasing number of K-12 apps into daily classroom instruction. With more and more…
Sponsored by Lenovo® and Microsoft® Concerned that your school's devices aren’t designed to meet the challenges of 24/7 student use? Consumer grade laptops are too easily damaged at…
Discussions about email archiving should no longer focus on whether it needs to happen, but instead should focus on the best, most efficient ways to achieve your archiving…
Word Prediction helps struggling writers reduce keystrokes while increasing accuracy, number of words typed, and confidence. This paper provides six strategies for using Word Prediction with a variety…
Studies show that the arts have a positive effect on student learning across the curriculum. Once thought of as enrichment, the arts are becoming an integrated part of…
This program is designed to prepare teachers for the schools of the 21st century, incorporating Lesley University’s commitment to inclusive classrooms, differentiated instruction, and the integration of theory…
In the middle school education program from Lesley University, you will learn practical classroom skills for working with diverse student populations; receive a thorough grounding in best practices…
As a special education teacher, you will work with diverse student populations in an inclusive environment that also involves collaboration ... Read more
In the high school education program from Lesley University, you’ll learn practical classroom skills for working with diverse student populations; ... Read more
Traditionally the 1:1 computing model has been achieved by providing access to PCs, but adding PCs costs more than just their price alone. In an effort to establish…
As school districts implement high-tech tools and software, teachers often feel overwhelmed by new tools or forced to adopt new technology in their lesson plans. However, it doesn’t…
With Ericom AccessNow™, quickly and easily turn any mobile device, tablet or PC – including a Chromebook - into an enhanced RDP Client, without installing Flash, Java or…
Teachers have encountered a few key challenges in moving their instruction online. For one thing, it’s hard to keep students fully attuned in an online or “flipped class”…
Digital learning devices support game- and project-based learning, create a collaborative environment, and can improve the quality of teaching and learning. But to realize these benefits, the devices…
Hershey Public Schools in central Nebraska launched a “one-to-one” learning initiative in 2007 to provide a laptop to every high school student. Learn why the district chose Lenovo…
Florida’s Collier County School District needed 1,150 high-end PCs for its career and technology classes, but pre-built systems were too expensive. Learn how Collier’s technology department built their…
The variety of communications channels available to schools today has created a challenge: It's often hard to respond efficiently to voice mail, email, faxes, texts, and other disparate…
It’s one thing to read about it, and it’s another thing to see it for yourself. Try a hands-on interactive demo of Rosetta Stone and see firsthand what…
The Academy for International Education (AIE), a tuition-free public charter school in South Florida/Miami-Dade, has implemented an exciting language learning program for students to build bilingualism through bi-literacy…
Much in education is changing, including new standards and assessments; new instructional technologies; and new approaches to preparing students for the global future. Understanding how the pieces fit…
Did you know that World Language teachers currently use technology at higher rates than the national teaching population? We’ve compiled findings from a collaborative Project Tomorrow’s Speak Up…
Formative assessment should help students answer three questions: Where am I going? Where am I now? How can I close the gap? Here are a dozen creative ways…
IT leaders planning for mobile learning initiatives should consider an array of key factors—both infrastructural and educational. This white paper provides strategic advice and reviews key issues to…
As more schools adopt online and blended learning as a way to boost graduation rates, expand their course catalogs, and personalize learning for every student, it’s important to…
Download this important new policy brief on K-3 state reading polices—How to Catch Kids Before They Fall: A Multi-Year System of Supports for State Reading Policies—a research-based pathway…
When the nation’s second-largest union high school district decided to equip 6,500 7th graders with iPads, they needed to pair those iPads with the best LMS available. Learn…