The five best Tweets of the week

In today’s social networking world, many people use Twitter to get good information fast. And the editors of eSchool Media are no exception—we rely on Tweets from industry leaders and social media-savvy educators to inform our stories and keep us connected to what’s happening now.

But we’re not stingy! We want to share with you, our readers, the education-related Tweets that we found most enlightening, helpful, or interesting this week. Every Friday we’ll post the best Tweets of the week, so keep an eye out!

We’d also love to hear from you: See a great Tweet you’d like to share? Find us on Twitter at eSN_Meris, eSN_Laura, eSN_Dennis, and eCN_Sarah, or leave your find in the comment section below.

—The Editors

(In no particular order…)

1. @MindShiftKQED

12 questions for the 21st century learner

2. @web20classroom

Digital Tools For Differentiation:

3. @michaelchasen

How Online Learning Prepared Me for University Life 

4. @RWW

What’s Missing From The New Digital Classroom?

5. @21stprincipal

7 Steps to Optimize Your Social Media Presence as an Educator  #edchat #ncadmin

BONUS Tweet: @eCN_Sarah

Strange, but true RT: @Vivantech_Inc #ThrowbackThursday: 50 Things Replaced by Modern #Technology

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