Steve Jobs muses on all things Apple

In a wide-ranging interview with the hosts of the D8 technology conference, Apple CEO Steve Jobs defused rumors that Apple will do away with Google’s search products on its technology platforms or that it will soon revamp its ailing Apple TV product, reports the New York Times. Jobs didn’t make any news or announce any new products or partners, but he delivered some interesting tidbits. Perhaps most significantly, he said Apple has no plans to get rid of Google’s search and maps services on the iPhone or iPad. “We have some Google properties on our phone,” Jobs said. “Just because we are competing with somebody doesn’t mean you have to be rude.” Jobs also appeared to pour cold water on reports that Apple was about to unveil a new version of Apple TV, saying that the digital television business was plagued with a series of problems, including challenges in distributing new products. He was far more circumspect when asked whether there might soon be an iPhone running on a network other than AT&T’s in the United States; he bit his lip as he considered how to answer, then said: “There might be.” He also said he didn’t set out to have a war with Adobe over the Flash, the web technology that Apple has refused to include on the iPhone and on the iPad—but he said the success of Apple’s products suggests that consumers are doing fine without it. Jobs also predicted that the ongoing shift in technology away from the PC and toward mobile devices will continue. But rather than disappear, the PC will become a niche product, he said…

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