Survey: IT college grads not ‘ready to go’

Fifty-nine percent say they plan to hire new IT workers soon.

Many companies and college IT departments are ready to hire as the economy thaws, but more than nine in 10 college graduates who majored in information technology (IT) aren’t prepared for life in the workforce, according to a national survey.

Eight percent of new IT hires are “well trained” and “ready to go,” while 44 percent are “well trained” but have “gaps” in their skill set, according to respondents to a survey conducted by SHARE, an association of IT industry professionals, including colleges and universities.

Three in 10 IT companies said new hires were “severely deficient” business skills and are often in need of remedial training from superiors.

IT know-how wasn’t the problem for many recent IT college graduates, according to the report and a SHARE official, but rather interpersonal skills that proved lacking.

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