Do you love numbers? Do you love countdowns? If so, keep reading this story–we’ve put together a countdown of sorts that focuses on edtech tools and classroom strategies.
Each component of our countdown features resources you’re likely to find helpful as an administrator or classroom teacher. Need 10 strategies to get students ready for the future? Or maybe you’re interested in 9 ways to create and manage better makerspaces.
Whatever your focus, we’re pretty confident you’ll find some new edtech tools to explore or some new classroom management strategies to test out this year. So, dive in, explore the resources we’ve gathered, and find some inspiration!
10 things teachers can do today to prepare students for the future
In 2008, I read Clayton Christensen’s Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns. It inspired me to think about changes in education that would benefit students by transforming teaching and learning and I was excited about the possibilities. Technology advancements promised to make a great impact to initiate change in the classroom, but now we are faced with a newer set of obstacles.
9 ways schools can create better makerspaces
Makerspaces and maker culture have quickly become a favorite of STEAM advocates, and new research shows that makerspaces can be highly effective at helping elementary students develop skills such as critical thinking, design thinking, and problem solving.
8 ways to improve your school or district website
For many parents, the first impression of a school comes from its website. School and school district websites are increasingly becoming marketing tools for attracting students and setting the tone for all potential incoming students.
7 ways Minecraft can make learning exciting again
Minecraft has pretty amazing potential as a teaching tool. In general, it promotes creativity and problem-solving as it boosts engagement. But it also can improve achievement when confident teachers incorporate it into instruction.
6 things we did to help our students love to do research
After one year as library media specialist and three years teaching English, I’ve learned some of the ins and outs of teaching research inside and beyond the English classroom.
5 things standing between K-12 schools and innovation
Sustaining and scaling innovation is one of the top hurdles K-12 district leaders face as they strive to bring new and bold ideas to education, according to a new CoSN report. Hurdles are more than just “pesky obstacles” to innovation, the authors note in Driving K-12 Innovation: 2019 Hurdles. These challenges slow down progress and force educators to make sure they’re prepared for the leap to innovation.
4 ways to improve digital equity in your classroom
As a former middle school teacher who taught in a lower-income, majority-minority school equipped with lots of “high tech” tools, I often wondered about digital equity. For me, students’ access to edtech tools at school wasn’t the issue. However, I knew that things were a lot different once students left my classroom. Because the majority of my students lacked internet access at home, I never assigned homework that required technology.
3 things edtech can’t do
We’re swimming in a world of technologies that have huge implications for the future of schooling. Computers live in teachers and students’ pockets, the Internet makes information and media ubiquitous commodities, apps offer to aid with all our daily routines, and artificial intelligence unlocks new possibilities for differentiated instruction. Yet even with these technologies flooding into schools and classrooms, computers won’t be replacing teachers any time soon, and that’s why now, more than ever, teachers should be given the critical support they’re asking for in the classroom.
2 ways to guide change management
There are a number of old sayings about learning to understand another by walking in their shoes, moccasins, or sandals. Since those sayings cross quite a few cultures and were even turned into an Elvis Presley song—“Walk a Mile in My Shoes”—maybe edtech leaders need to consider the concept behind the saying. When IT leaders make decisions regarding changes to systems, it is essential to consider the perspectives of the end users in change management.
1 way to manage stress: Focus on self-care
We need to consider our self-care to be a part of the change work we do in schools, to be more physically capable and to be both emotionally strong and psychologically sound. This work isn’t an “add-on.” It’s an essential element to school reform.
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