PTC Wizard Integrates with Zoom

Only Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler with Zoom Video Conferencing

Boca Raton, FL―April 16, 2021―PTC Wizard, developer of the PTC wizard platform, an online parent-teacher conference scheduler, announces full integration with Zoom video conferencing.

Now, it is possible for faculty at middle schools, junior highs, and high schools to enjoy the user experience of personalization and parental engagement. Schools offer benefits of face-to-face communication and the freedom to schedule their parent-teacher conferences without investing valuable time to organize individual Zoom meeting links for every meeting.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and restrictions linger, many schools are looking ahead for alternative ways to schedule and conduct their critical and numerous parent-teacher conferences, often done by a tedious manual process. By digitizing the process, PTC Wizard minimizes the administrative burden and helps teachers share more time in parent engagement.

“Educators deserve to have their preferred tools at their fingertips, without having to constantly move students across different platforms and sites. Integration has always been a request of schools, but in 2021, I suspect we’ll see more teachers insist that ed tech companies consider their workflow in a more intentional way,” said Liz Lee, director of online learning at the International Society for Technology in Education.

“The academic success of a child can depend on active adult engagement. Extensive research shows students achieve more when a parent is involved. Along with increased academic achievement, parental engagement stimulates a positive attitude in children toward lifelong learning,” says Shammai Ellman, PTC Wizard founder and president.

About PTC Wizard

PTC Wizard is the brainchild of its founder who, as a parent of six children, and a computer programming expert, was inspired to help their school find an easier and smarter way to schedule and track multiple parent-teacher conferences. PTC Wizard has served the educational community since 2011, addressing the scheduling needs of more than 500 U.S. schools. To date, PTC Wizard has scheduled more than 11,051,334 parent-teacher conferences across the United States.

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