ATLANTA/PRNewswire/ — CENTEGIX, the leader in incident response solutions, today released its biannual report highlighting the impact of safety tools in K12 schools across the country and the benefits of wearable panic button solutions. The ” School Safety Trend s Report: Fall 2022” analyzed over 50,000 incidents gathered from CENTEGIX’s CrisisAlert™ usage data for the Fall 2022 semester, along with survey data from 1,200 educators and staff who have used the CrisisAlert platform to call for help.
According to the survey results, access to a safety solution that offers campus-wide coverage with precise location indication was highly effective in protecting staff and students. This correlates with the CrisisAlert usage data that showed 47% of incidents reported in the fall of 2022 occurred outside the classroom. Full-campus coverage is necessary to ensure all students, staff, and visitors are safe whether in the classroom, in the parking lot, or on the athletic fields.
Respondents also shared that districts that provide discreet and easy-to-use safety and security solutions for teachers and staff see a direct impact on their well-being and job satisfaction, as well as students’ perceptions of safety. Survey results revealed that 97% of respondents believe that having a wearable incident response solution helped them feel safe and supported as a staff member.
Additional key highlights include:
Growing Need for K12 Safety Solutions:
- Implementations of CrisisAlert doubled from 2021 to 2022, and delivered over 50,000 alerts in the Fall 2022 semester, a 100% increase from Fall 2021
- Elementary schools continue to experience the highest rate of alerts out of all school types, averaging 22.8 alerts per semester. High schools saw an increase in alerts from 14.6 to 15.9 alerts per semester; while middle schools saw a dip from 16.8 to 14.5 alerts per semester
- Due to increased implementations, over 7,900 staff members initiated alerts—far surpassing last semester’s all-time-high of 4,800 staff members—for an average of 2.9 times each
Full-campus Coverage is Critical:
- Analysis of staff and campus-wide alerts shows that only 53% of safety incidents happen in the classroom; other common areas for alerts include hallways (18%), parking lots, playgrounds, or other exterior locations (9%), cafeterias (3%), administration or front offices (2%)
From the Everyday to the Extreme Type of Incidents:
- Everyday emergencies, such as medical and behavior incidents, represent just over 98% of all alerts
- The combined behavior categories (student conduct, elopement, and physical altercation) represented 84% of all alerts
- Medical incidents continued to make up a large portion of CrisisAlert usage, roughly 12%
Users in the survey provided feedback that indicated that the CrisisAlert badge is the easiest solution to call for help during a crisis and that the badge contributes to their peace of mind and allows them to focus on teaching and student achievement.
“All schools should have silent panic alarms as this has proven to be a vital layer of security.” Lori Alhadeff, President of Make Our Schools Safe, Board Member of Broward County Schools, parent whose daughter Alyssa lost her life in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School school shooting in 2018, and leading advocate for Alyssa’s Law, states that, “Our country has witnessed far too many tragedies that have taken place in our schools. It is time we protect our students, educators, and staff from everyday incidents to the most extreme crises. I’m glad to see more districts stepping up and implementing changes demanding change to make schools safe for all.”
A high school teacher from Florida said, “In the first incident, a student I did not know collapsed outside my doorway and I pressed my CENTEGIX badge and was able to get help for the student quickly. The second time I used it was before school and a fight broke out. I was able to call for help while also starting to break the kids up and keep others out of harm’s way. The third time I used it was during class change and two students began fighting in my classroom. Again, I was able to call for help while beginning to diffuse the situation. When used correctly, it allows for quick response to emergency or serious situations.”
“Our company was founded on a mission to create safer spaces by innovating technology to empower and protect. With our wearable CrisisAlert badge there is 100% user adoption. Every staff member feels safer because they are empowered to call for help or protect the whole campus at the push of a button without having to deal with a mobile app,” said Brent Cobb, CEO of CENTEGIX. “With CrisisAlert, teachers and staff can respond to any incident – from the everyday to the extreme – anywhere on campus.”
CENTEGIX’s innovative, award-winning CrisisAlert solution equips teachers and staff with the fastest and easiest way to call for help without relying on Wi-Fi or cellular. CrisisAlert is unique for its ability to deliver precise alert location, immediate audio, and visual incident notifications (including lighted strobes, screen messages, and intercom integration), full campus coverage, and 100% user adoption. With the simple push of a button on a wearable badge, an alert instantly reaches administrators and responders.
With emergency situations on the rise in our K12 schools, it is vital that all staff members are given the proper tools to protect themselves and their students, and feel safe at work. To learn more about CENTEGIX’s Fall 2022 School Safety Trends, please visit the website to download the report.
CENTEGIX is the leader in incident response solutions. Our CrisisAlert™ platform is the fastest and easiest way for staff to call for help in any emergency, from the everyday to the extreme. CENTEGIX creates safer spaces by innovating technology to empower and protect people, and leaders nationwide trust our safety solutions to provide peace of mind. To learn more about CENTEGIX, visit
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