The thought of asking students to take tests to show their knowledge had never crossed my mind. My goal has always been to design courses that capture the…
Leaders from 3 districts who recently took the PARCC online tests share the highlights and major lowlights from their recent experience. Being prepared may not be everything: You…
The shift toward online exams aligned with the Common Core standards will require much more preparation than making sure networks can handle the strain; students will need basic…
What keeps ed-tech leaders up at night? Making sure their schools are prepared to roll out high-stakes testing to students online by the 2014-15 school year is a…
To prepare for more rigorous assessments aligned with the Common Core standards, teachers will need more time and opportunities to collaborate with each other, education professor Linda Darling-Hammond…
One of the two state consortia developing next-generation assessments to be taken online is seeking comments on a draft policy that proposes accommodations for students with disabilities who…
Schools and districts have come a long way in gathering and analyzing data to help boost student achievement, but according to a new report from the Data Quality…
Thanks to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, K-12 educators are spending more time than ever before on testing their students' skills—but is all this testing doing…
As two state consortia work to create next-generation common assessments to help make testing more meaningful for students and teachers, a new tool will launch later this month…
As states move toward implementing online assessments in 2014, a panel of experts agreed that school technology leaders must ensure that districts have the capacity, manpower, and foresight…
A new collaboration among three prominent education and technology groups will aim to help schools meet growing demands to leverage student data to boost achievement while highlighting best…
Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Sept. 2 announced the recipients of millions of dollars in federal grants to provide new state assessment systems to test students’ 21st-century skills.…