Have you ever been in a professional learning (PL) experience where you don’t keep looking at the time, checking Facebook, or texting people? I have! I spend several…
I recently chatted with Kathy Dyer, NWEA’s manager of innovation and learning, professional learning design, about how to connect professional learning (PL) to student outcomes and how to…
Research tells us that students’ attention spans correlate to their ages, but did you know that this applies to adults as well? In fact, humans have less of…
Is your current professional learning (PL) program aligned with the federal definition of professional learning? Can you measure your progress against your organizational goals? How does your organization…
Today’s classrooms use a variety of learning approaches, some formal like lectures and some informal like watching videos. As a teacher, your learning is no different and your…
By now the term professional learning network (PLN) is used very often, but much of the time it refers to the virtual type, meaning our online colleagues and…
What kind of professional development (PD) is needed in order for project-based learning (PBL) to be done well, spread throughout a school, and stick? Short answer: a lot.
Keeping up on skills over the summer isn’t just for students. The summer break is a great time for teachers to take advantage of those professional development (PD)…
I’ve been very fortunate to travel the world and work in classrooms in the United States, Australia, Asia, and the U.K., and have seen phenomenal teaching everywhere I…
A majority of teachers say they don't have sufficient time to collaborate with other teachers, according to a new report from the RAND Corporation. Collaborative activities such as…
Schools and districts spend billions on edtech, even while questions continue to swirl around whether such investments yield solid returns. Few companies can reliably ensure the educational outcomes…
The benefit of professional development (PD) for teachers is well known: improving teaching practices means greater student achievement. What’s less frequently acknowledged is that PD programs are often…
According to research from the Center for Public Education, “one-and-done” professional development sessions for teachers simply don't work. With new standards rolling out every year, a one-class-covers-all approach…
edWeb.net just completed an analysis of their 2016 webinar viewership stats for 2016. The professional learning community hosted 260 PD webinars in 2016 that were viewed by 165,000…
Tinkering in the modern context is a process of trying something to figure out what works or doesn’t to find your way to the best solution, often going…
K-12 science teachers are often left to deal with a lack of coherent and sustained professional learning opportunities that researchers say are needed to support science teachers inside…
Every Wednesday from 2:45-6:45, the fresh aroma of “personalized” coffee choices from the Keurig fills the air and our teachers settle into work individually or with their colleagues…
ipad-pdType “professional development for teachers” into any search engine and numerous results fill the computer screen. Type in “professional development for iPads” and the results are more narrow…
With the rapid rise of online technology resources, coupled with the ever-expanding list of the latest teaching strategies, an educator might feel like they are constantly walking through…
Imagine what would happen if hospital leaders announced to surgeons late on a Friday afternoon that when they came to work on Monday they would no longer be…
Odigital-pdver the past 6-8 years we have seen a supersonic advancement in public schools and the way our teachers now must teach. This has hit education like a…
For nearly a dozen years I’ve traveled to various schools and districts to deliver professional development workshops and presentations. Over the years, I’ve also sat in on many…
My Parisian mother was a teacher for a year as a favor to my private school when their French teacher unexpectedly quit one summer. “Sure, I could teach,”…
School may last a little longer for some districts than others, depending on how many snow days some parts of the country experienced. As schools close for the…
The fact that there are plenty of companies touting video-based PD as more efficient, individualized, cheaper, and faster should not surprise anyone who has been in the education…
In a national climate where schools have data, but are struggling to make it actionable, officials from a public charter school that integrates a growing nationwide practice, blended…
Educators looking for a unique professional development (PD) experience that relates textbook curriculum to real-world events and current issues now have a new, free online opportunity thanks to…