As the fight to get voter approval for bonds becomes more challenging, school district leaders and their supporters are tapping into Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social…
School funding challenges show no sign of abating, and budgets remain stretched to the limit. Many educators and administrators rely on school grants to fund important projects and…
Educators throughout our state, nation, and world are always trying to save time and get better resources in order to provide the best available for their students. There…
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program provides a unique opportunity for accomplished K-12 educators in the fields of science, ... Read more
The Foundation for Technology and Engineering Educators in cooperation with Pitsco/Hearlihy & Company proudly announces the $2,000 Pitsco/Hearlihy/FTEE Grant in ... Read more
New coaching and online training medium to integrate personal growth with professional development Mount Laurel, NJ, November 5th, 2014- TeacherCoach, ... Read more
Successful pilot in special needs early learning classrooms spurs preschool center’s purchase of MimioTeach and MimioMobile Cambridge, MA – Nov. ... Read more
Students today face ongoing challenges with bullying, weapons, drugs/alcohol, violence and more. Often, disconnects between youth and school administrators cause ... Read more
Technology integration and project-based learning are two of 10 strategies that one district technology director uses to help educators create engaging schools and classrooms that excite and empower…
GuideK12 SchoolSearch™ improves how districts communicate boundaries and school options to families MINNEAPOLIS, MN November 4, 2014 – Today GuideK12 ... Read more
Epson Introduces Five New Short-Throw Projectors for K-12 Classrooms Four PowerLite Projectors and One BrightLink Interactive Projector Bring Reliable Performance ... Read more
Promethean Pledges to Safeguard Student Privacy -Company joins coalition of leading K-12 school service providers dedicated to protecting student data- ... Read more
Rather than letting old machines sit in the janitor’s closet gathering dust, schools nationwide are choosing to sell those machines back to companies that recertify the technology. One…
Student choice at the state level, student choice at the course level, and the existence and strength of charter school laws are three predictors of how strong a…
Last week the New America Foundation’s Chelsea Wilhelm wrote about a startling trend in state education technology planning: by and large, it’s not happening.
If your school website doesn’t engage visitors and portray your school’s unique identity and strengths, the families you’re most eager to attract will likely move on. Avoid these…
As part of its $100 million commitment to President Obama's ConnectED initiative, Apple will provide devices, software, and support to 114 schools across the nation. The grants will…
As wireless systems in K-12 institutions have likely been in place for several years now, prior to the large influx of personal devices and district owned devices, we…
As mobile technology appears in more and more classrooms, the need for accessories to support the functionality and battery power of those devices is evident. CartWrite, an online…