School Libraries
Librarians’ evolving digital roles
As school increasingly incorporate digital technologies and strategies in classrooms, school libraries are changing, too, becoming hubs of communication, research, and technology-enabled teaching and learning. Today's school librarians…
10 changes a school library must consider in the digital era
School libraries have come a long way from card catalogues thanks to surges in education technology. But besides re-categorizing, how can libraries support an increasingly digital education? According…
4 must-have iPad apps for librarians
Educational technology integration has become more and more prevalent in classrooms, from English classes to science labs--but what about the library? Switching from traditional textbooks to eBooks on…
TCEA: Do your libraries need a change?
Seeking to ensure school librarians' roles reflect the changing nature of education, one Texas school district changed its librarians' positions to better support digital learning. Library and IT…
How 3 districts leverage librarians’ digital knowledge
Librarians and libraries are in a unique position to help schools and districts prepare for and progress through the digital transition, according to a just-released Alliance for Excellent…
Why school librarians are critical to digital learning
School librarians are critical to the success of digital learning initiatives, and they deserve a place at the table in discussions about digital learning: That’s the message behind…
Dozens of L.A. Unified schools lack staff needed to run libraries
As many as 145 schools across L.A. Unified may have closed their libraries, according to staffing numbers provided to KPCC this week.
School librarians are rising school leaders
School librarians are shaking off the decades-old stereotype that they are isolated from a school’s teachers, students, and classrooms. Today’s school librarians, according to a panel discussion that…
Should public libraries be welcoming homes for ingenuity?
Public libraries are about books, right? Yes, books, PCWorld reports.
School libraries: A shift to digital
The school library is changing. Instead of a stuffy and silent space filled with books, today’s school libraries are becoming collaboration centers, where teachers and librarians work together…
Why public libraries should follow Chicago’s lead and build maker labs reports that Square co-founder Jim McKelvey built the first prototypes for his little white credit card swiper at the TechShop workshop in Menlo Park, Calif. MakerBot’s first…
Leveraging emerging technologies to create virtual libraries
Though still a relatively new concept, flipped learning is making an impact in classrooms across the country--and now, forward-thinking librarians are examining whether flipped learning and emerging technologies…
In the digital age, what becomes of the library?
Nashville’s Main Public Library, located in a stately building in the heart of downtown, has a children’s section filled with comfortable sitting areas, oversized art, and a state-of-the-art…
Libraries have the clout, respect to be leaders in parent engagement
I've written a lot about how schools must become more effective at getting parents involved, reports.
What kind of ‘Little Free Library’ would you create for your community?
They look like trellises and fishtanks, spacesuits and mailboxes, the New York Times reports.
How an LMS can help with digital content integration
With so many technology-based resources--such as video, eBooks, and Google Docs--now available to help teachers deliver dynamic lessons, many teachers still find it challenging to incorporate digital content…
How the ‘Big6’ can aid in Common Core implementation
With implementation of the Common Core State Standards under way, a method known as the Big6 can help ensure that a curriculum put in place to meet the…
No-book library? BiblioTech is coming
A book-less library. It sounds like an oxymoron, but come the fall of 2013, San Antonio's Bexar County is going to be home to the BiblioTech, the country's…
Tips for understanding copyright rules
With headlines about tough copyright rulings fresh in their minds, educators across the nation might hesitate when it comes to using copyrighted material in their lessons or sharing…
How a school library thrives–without books
The library at Minneapolis' Benilde-St. Margaret's has no books, but the space at the Catholic preparatory school is proving to be more useful than ever – digitally, the…
The 12 most popular eSN stories of 2012
We’ve assembled a list of the dozen most popular stories we’ve published in the last year, as measured by the number of page views each received. If you…
Survey: School web filtering can impede learning
More and more students are bringing personal mobile devices to school, but a new survey from the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) finds that content filtering often…
Teachers concerned about students’ online research skills
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Five key roles for 21st-century school librarians
Given the unprecedented quantity of information learners are exposed to, the librarian’s role is more important than ever. Librarians help all students gain access to, evaluate, ethically use,…
Google strives to enlighten with new search tool
Google is introducing a new tool designed to make its search engine smarter. The new feature, debuting May 16, draws from a Google-built database of more than 500…
10 books for high school summer reading
Students might not enrich their minds inside a classroom over summer break, but that doesn’t mean enrichment can’t be found in one of the original 24-7 tools for…
School librarians bearing brunt of cuts to education, advocates say
A Nova Scotia school board's proposal to cut all of its 41 librarians to balance its books highlights a larger trend at some Canadian schools as libraries become…
Library group denounces book destruction at Occupy Wall Street
The American Library Association has denounced the destruction of books at a library set up by Occupy Wall Street when New York police raided a park where protesters…
Laid-off Philadelphia teacher sets sights on rebuilding school libraries
The library at Rowen Elementary School is musty and outdated - a locked room used for storage and occasional meetings, a repository of yellowing, untouched books, the Philadelphia…
A call for opening up web access at schools
Students at Silver Creek High School in Longmont, Colo., held a “graffiti debate” on censorship on Wednesday: Should schools block Web sites? On sheets of white butcher paper…
Photos: Public school library makeovers
In communities across the country, Target is sharing its love of education, the Huffington Post reports.
Authors Guild sues universities over online books
Authors and authors' groups in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom sued the University of Michigan and four other universities Sept. 12, seeking to stop…
Opinion: Are school librarians expendable?
My feeling--as someone who works in a local tech education center that shares its library with the high school next door--is that this situation is more complex than…
Communities stand behind librarians facing layoffs
As reports of librarian layoffs continue to surface, librarians have put away their inside voices to fight--with the support from unions, parents, and students--to prove their jobs are…
Self-destructing eBooks rile librarians
A move by publisher HarperCollins, which would cap eBook loans from public libraries at 26 check-outs before requiring the library to repurchase the eBook, has school and public…
School librarians targeted in budget crunch
How will students learn key information literacy skills, and how will teachers get help with integrating digital resources into their instruction, without a full-time media specialist in their…
The disgraceful interrogation of L.A. school librarians
If state education cuts are drastic, the librarians' only chance of keeping a paycheck is to prove they're qualified to be switched to classroom teaching. So LAUSD attorneys…
A founding father’s books turn up
A literary detective story that began 18 months ago and was advanced through a chance reading of an 1880 edition of The Harvard Register has led researchers from…
JFK library opens first online presidential archive
In a move that will make primary-source documents more accessible for students, Caroline Kennedy unveiled the nation’s first online presidential archive on Jan. 13, a $10 million project…