Laura Ascione is the Editorial Director at eSchool Media. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland's prestigious Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
Increases in physical and network security breaches among K-12 school districts are hampering schools' efforts to improve their overall security, according to the third annual School Safety Index,…
New research suggests that more K-12 public school students will take classes online and will have longer school days in the next decade--and academic improvement and cost savings…
A federal lawmaker has introduced internet safety legislation that, if passed, would authorize roughly $175 million--$35 million a year for five years--for internet safety education and training to…
A new Xerox Corp. printer that uses solid-ink technology and a sliding price scale might be good news for schools and colleges that are trying to cut costs…
Federal funding for the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program would drop from $270 million to $100 million, a 63 percent cut, under President Obama's proposed $3.4 trillion…
It's been a long-held tradition in American public education that decisions about standards and curriculum are best left to state and local school systems, not the federal government.…
Though schools in a handful of states have closed temporarily to curtail the spread of swine flu, that hasn't interrupted the learning process for many students--thanks to technologies…
Integrating Promethean's ActivClassroom--a suite of educational technologies that includes an interactive whiteboard, teaching software, and student response systems--into instruction can raise student achievement by an average of 17…
Once a concept only well known in special-education circles, Response to Intervention (RTI)--which responds to individual students' needs by taking a data-based approach to instruction--has taken hold in…
As schools and colleges try to trim budgets and save money, many are re-examining their personnel meeting practices in an effort to cut travel costs--and a new low-cost,…
At a time when the nation's economic future seems shaky, many school and public libraries are moving to open-source library management systems, which tend to be cheaper, more…
In the sharply competitive digital projector market, educators often must feel like they're caught in the middle of a tug-of-war between manufacturers of Digital Light Processing (DLP) and…
It's been a tough few weeks for and its Kindle eBook reader: Advocates for students with disabilities already were disappointed with the company's Feb. 27 decision to…
With an emphasis on 21st-century education, President Obama called for better early childhood education programs, tougher teacher standards, and increased pay for outstanding educators and desperately-needed math and…
Education--and especially higher education for all students--is a critical area of focus in President Obama's proposed budget for next year, which he outlined for Congress in a 146-page…
The final $787 billion stimulus bill that President Obama is expected to sign today contains $105.9 billion for education, including $650 million for the federal Enhancing Education Through…