10 back-to-school tech trends straight from parents

As schools around the country begin a new school year, back-to-school shopping is in full swing. And as more classrooms incorporate technology, back-to-school shopping includes smartphones and laptops along with hand sanitizer and notebooks.

In a recent FatWallet.com survey, 42 percent of parents said they plan to spend more on this year’s school supplies than they spent last year.

1. 28 percent of participating parents said they plan to purchase student laptops and/or smartphones.

Of that 28 percent of parents:

2. 57 percent said laptops are better learning tools for their kids vs smartphones, 37 percent said students need both

3. 46 percent agree children ages 13-15 can have their own smartphones, 33 percent said ages 10-12 is practical

4. 54 percent are concerned with the expense of replacing a broken smartphone

5. 65 percent will spend $500 or less on student laptops, 27 percent will spend <$300, 23 percent spend $501-$700 and 12 percent >$700

6. 37 percent said the best time to buy a student laptop is during back-to-school sales, but 32 percent said during Black Friday

7. 26 percent said MacBooks are the best laptops for their children’s school needs, 20 percent Dell, 19 percent HP

8. 80 percent said laptops are offered in school for some grades, while 32 percent said they’re available for all grades

9. 51 percent are concerned with getting the best value when buying student laptops, 33 percent said there are too many choices

10. 54 percent are concerned with their children having their own laptops

Next page: A back-to-school tech spending infographic

Click the infographic to enlarge:

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