LIVE @ FETC: Exclusive Coverage

Students need STEM--and a strong STEM learning background will carry them from high school to a high-tech workforce.

Complimentary LanSchool Air licenses to help lessen the impact of Coronavirus closures

As COVID-19 continues to impact our communities, schools are implementing emergency distance learning plans to prepare for potential closures. LanSchool, is committed to helping you protect students and staff while minimizing disruptions to instruction. LanSchool is offering complimentary LanSchool Air licenses as an online learning solution through July 1, 2020.

How LanSchool Air supports distance teaching:

  • Screen Monitoring mimics the classroom environment, enabling teachers to provide assistance and encouragement to keep students on task.
  • Messaging makes it easy for teachers and students to stay connected and collaborate on assignments.
  • Raise Hand allows teachers to quickly address student questions in remote settings.
  • Integrations with solutions you love – including Google Classroom and Clever – streamline digital instruction.

eSchool News Staff

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