professional learning

Survey: What online professional learning do teachers prefer?

New survey reveals teachers’ professional learning preferences, trends in priorities

Educators from Pre-K up through higher education most often prefer to participate in professional learning opportunities that focus on training for online software and digital resources (34 percent), classroom management strategies (34 percent), and digital device training (33 percent), according to a new survey released during this year’s ISTE conference.

The 2016 Vision K-20 Professional Learning Survey Report is the ninth annual national K-20 educator survey from the Education Technology Industry Network (ETIN) of SIIA, and also is the first survey focusing on online professional learning (PL).

The survey finds that educators from PreK-12 and higher education institutions most often enroll in courses that provide training for online software and digital resources and classroom management/behavior training.

“Educators have an increasing number of online professional learning choices that provide them with a flexible alternative to traditional professional development formats,” said Karen Billings, vice president and managing director of the ETIN. “The Vision K-20 Professional Learning Survey provides educators and administrators with critical insight to how educators are taking online PL courses, why they take them and who provides them.”

Nearly 60 percent of participating survey respondents said they enrolled in online professional learning in the past year. The survey defines online professional learning courses as any course that includes online, blended or hybrid learning.

Seventy-five percent of participating educators said they enroll in online PL courses when they are personally interested in the subject and want to increase their knowledge in that area. The second most common reason for online professional learning enrollment is to receive continuing education credits (46 percent of respondents).

Educators with less than 20 years of experience working in an educational institution are more likely to enroll in an online professional learning course than educators with more experience.

Educators most commonly select learning opportunities from educational institutions (60 percent) and online communities (60 percent). Courses include videos (76 percent), discussion forums (73 percent), audio (72 percent), quizzes or assessments (68 percent), and slides (64 percent).


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Laura Ascione

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