Students learning on a tablet during Digital Learning Day.

6 things to prepare teachers for Digital Learning Day

Digital Learning Day lands on February 28--here are tools to help get ready

Digital learning plays an integral part in helping students build the skills they need for academic and personal success. In fact, it’s so important that it has its own day, and this year, Digital Learning Day is on February 28.

Digital Learning Day celebrates educators who create and implement strong instructional practices that use technology and tech tools to connect students with meaningful learning experiences.

The focus isn’t on edtech for edtech’s sake, but instead looks at all the tools used to support and empower teachers and students, such as online courses, blended learning, and digital content and resources.

Each year, states, districts, schools, and classrooms across the United States and around the world hold thousands of events to celebrate Digital Learning Day. Anyone planning to participate in Digital Learning Day 2019 should add their event to the Digital Learning Day map.

We’ve gathered some digital learning data, resources, and fun facts below to help you get ready for Digital Learning Day 2019.

1. K-12 classroom teachers say their top two digital learning challenges are juggling multiple digital tools for teaching and learning and student access to technology. Teachers’ top priorities are integrating new edtech tools into the classroom, along with improving assessments, reporting, and data-driven decision making.

2. The Pickens County, S.C. school district laid out a careful plan to be “digital from day one of learning.” That plan included beginning with a vision, researching digital platforms that would work for schools, and making sure chosen tools will actually benefit teaching and learning.

3. It might seem overwhelming to go digital on day one, but it’s possible. Sometimes, a tiered approach can help districts of all sizes improve the way their digital applications work together. It all starts with making a district-wide commitment, and it evolves into advanced strategies to ensure digital learning systems are learner-ready on day one.

4. Once educators embrace digital learning, it’s often tough to ask them to give up the tools that are essential in making teaching and learning seamless and impactful. Here are 11 tools educators say they can’t live without.

5. Administrators’ top digital learning challenges are providing relevant and effective professional development, dealing with technological infrastruture such as wi-fi and security, and device management. Top digital learning priorities are providing ongoing professional development, encouraging instructor collaboration, and rolling out new devices or device strategies.

6. Digital Learning Day isn’t limited to students and classroom teachers. Librarians play an integral role in digital learning, and they have excellent advice to guide fellow librarians as they help teachers and students learn to use edtech.

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Laura Ascione

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