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Curriculum Associates’ Ready® Classroom Mathematics Receives Highest Rating

Instructional program to support Louisiana educators in delivering discourse-based instruction that empowers students to think mathematically and discuss mathematical ideas

Curriculum Associates’ Ready Classroom Mathematics program for Grades K–5 recently received a Tier 1 rating by the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE). This highest rating from the LDOE, which was given after a comprehensive, educator-led review process, signifies the instructional program “exemplifies quality” and “meets all non-negotiable criteria and scored the best possible on all indicators of superior quality.”

The LDOE leads online reviews of instructional materials to support school districts across the state in making their own local, high-quality purchasing decisions. The tiered reviews describe the instructional materials’ degree of alignment with state content standards, which enables each local school system to determine if the use of the materials is appropriate to meet the educational needs of their students. Ratings are based on elements such as the focus, coherence, rigor, alignment, and quality of the materials.

“This highest rating from the Department signifies the power of Ready Classroom Mathematics in helping students gain conceptual understanding, develop a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and apply the knowledge learned in and out of the classroom,” said Rob Waldron, CEO of Curriculum Associates. “Regardless of where the teaching and learning is taking place, we look forward to supporting educators throughout the state of Louisiana this year and beyond as they help students make gains in math.”

Ready Classroom Mathematics addresses unfinished learning from the spring by helping teachers understand learning loss and balance instruction of prerequisite skills and current grade-level content, all while delivering discourse-based instruction that empowers students to think mathematically and discuss mathematical ideas. Its printed and online resources work cohesively to support the teaching and learning process. The program uses multiple-day lessons and instructional routines to help students understand important mathematical concepts, make connections between multiple mathematical strategies, and deepen their conceptual understanding by having them lead the majority of the classroom discussion. There are also frequent opportunities for practice and assessment to ensure that students understand concepts and to help teachers make instructional decisions.

In addition to the LDOE rating for Grades K–5, the LDOE is currently reviewing Ready Classroom Mathematics for Grades 6–8. The program was also named a highly rated program by, an independent nonprofit that delivers evidence-based reviews of instructional materials. Expert educators from reviewed the curriculum for Grades K–5 and found that it met expectations for all evaluation criteria across all grade levels.

To learn more about Ready Classroom Mathematics, visit

To learn more about the LDOE rating, visit

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