learning iste

Groups partner to leverage open tech standards

ClassLink, Mackin partnership aims to help students, teachers enjoy single sign-on to an industry provider of print and digital media

ClassLink announced a new single sign-on connection to Mackin Educational Resources, an adaptive learning platform for grades K-8. This new partnership will provide users with secure, OneClick access to MackinVIA, a free and complete digital resource management system providing easy access to eBooks, audiobooks, educational databases, and video.

ClassLink OneClick delivers single sign-on to web resources, like MackinVia, and to files, whether they are stored in the cloud, on a device, or on the school network. With more than 3,000 single sign-on connectors, ClassLink has brought together more resources than all other single sign-on platforms combined.

For 33 years, Mackin has provided library and classroom materials for pre-K- 12 teachers and students. Working with over 18,000 publishers and a database of more than 2.5 million printed titles and more than 350,000 digital titles,Mackin supplies print books, eBooks, online educational databases, audiobooks, video resources and more, along with digital content management and custom collection analysis services.

Mackin’s Director of Digital Services, Mesa Heise, praised the partnership, “We consider ourselves a dedicated partner in the advancement of education by giving schools everything they need to succeed. We consider ClassLink a true partner to providers like Mackin by making the sign-on and class rostering process for our schools easy, fast and free.” Heise continued, “ClassLink offers partner integration at no charge. Working in concert with our free MackinVIA, it’s proving to be an ideal partnering.”

ClassLink CEO, Berj Akian, echoed the sentiments of Mesa Heise, “A rising tide of partners in education that view ClassLink as the best path forward when it comes to single sign-on and class rostering. The relationship with Mackin is emblematic of a partnership model that benefits everyone – schools, publishers and technology providers. This model is made possible by ClassLink’s ability to leverage open tech standards, avoid unnecessary fees to partners, and focus on doing what’s in the best interest of educators.”

ClassLink and Mackin are leveraging OAuth2 to provide a rich integration of two world-class providers. Schools, developers, and publishers that embrace any number of free, openly available specifications have better, more secure, and faster connections between digital education resources. ClassLink stands alone among single sign-on providers in its ability to work with a comprehensive suite of integration protocols.

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Laura Ascione

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