eSchool News welcomes Hero Awards nominations through June 30

It's never been more apparent that educators are true heroes, and eSN's Hero Awards recognizes dedicated educators who powered on during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many things–chief among those lessons is that our educators are truly heroes.

Never before have educators been challenged and tested as they were beginning in March 2020 and continuing up to present day, and never before has their resilience been more apparent. With the abrupt move to online learning in the spring of 2020 to the introduction of hybrid and full-time in-person learning today, educators have been innovative and determined as they remained dedicated to teaching each and every one of their students during the global pandemic.

To acknowledge educators’ efforts, and to tell their stories, eSchool News is proud to announce the Hero Awards program. Vendors can nominate as many individuals or organizations as they’d like–anyone who had a role in ensuring education continued during the pandemic is eligible. The nominations will close on June 30, so don’t wait. Begin your nomination right here.

Nominate a school or district for the Hero Awards here!

By nominating the schools and districts that use your products and services, you will give them a chance to share their experiences and to impart lessons learned that will improve the way we teach and learn. It is essential we honor those educators who brought students through this crisis.

“The idea came from the many conversations I’ve been having for my podcast series with eSchool News,” said Kevin Hogan, editor at large with eSchool News. “I’ve been speaking with tech directors of school districts around the country, talking about their response to the pandemic, and each one of the stories were just incredible. [These are] tales of outright true heroism of people getting together, caring for the kids, getting the tech together, and getting them connected so they can begin to emotionally just feel safe and sound. During those conversations, I began to think these people, these stories not only need to be shared, but celebrated.”

While the pandemic was and remains a challenge, there are bright spots, including innovative new teaching methods and a newfound dedication to getting all students connected to high-speed internet with reliable devices.

“I think there are a lot of silver linings coming out of this … and I look forward to reading about all the good news,” Hogan said.

All nominations will be included in an ebook on eSchool Media’s sites, and winners will be featured in a full story that includes the sponsors and products that supported each winner’s online learning efforts.

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Laura Ascione

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