App of the Week: Anti-Defamation League

Toolkit equips teachers to tackle bias with ready-to-go resources


Ed. noteApp of the Week picks are now being curated by the editors of Common Sense Education, which helps educators find the best ed-tech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly. Click here to read the full app review.

What’s It Like? 

Teachers can turn to ADL to both get training on, and resources for teaching about, sensitive issues around bias, prejudice, and diversity, such as anti-Muslim bigotry, athletes and activism, or ableism. The site’s search tool will bring up diversity-related resources on many trending topics. A quick search on “sports” yields an impressive library of sports-related diversity issues. Even something more current (as of this review) like “#metoo” already returns several resources. If lessons are flexible, ask students a few days in advance for topics they are hearing about in the news. Do a quick search, and plug in the resource or lesson according to class time available.

Price: Free

Grades: PreK-12

Rating: 4/5

Pros: You can use this in class tomorrow. Legwork is done and it’s ready to run.

Cons: Some resources take potentially divisive stands on political issues like BDS.

Bottom line: This site fuses meaningful curricular connections between challenging current events and class content, and is a helpful go-to for teaching tough issues.

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